YouTuber Makes Stop-Motion Ski Video
#. YouTuber Makes Stop-Motion Ski Video
Philipp Klein Herrero of Spain planned to take a skiing trip in March.
However, the coronavirus pandemic forced him to stay home.
Instead of agonizing over the change, Herrero made the most of the situation.
Herrero attached a camera to the ceiling of his house and created a stop-motion video of a skiing trip.
He used skiing equipment for props and household items for sets.
Herrero rearranged the room for each frame of the video.
Then he added sound effects.
In the video, Herrero climbs a mountain made of bedsheets.
He cheers at the top and takes pictures.
Descending, Herrero falls into a snowbank.
The video ends with a reminder for viewers to stay safe at home.
The video received thousands of views around the world.
In this way, Herrero's bright idea traveled far and wide, even though he could not.
reminder @ ɪˈmaɪndə 1.(이미 잊었거나 잊고 싶은 것을) 상기시키는 것 2.독촉장, (약속이나 해야 할 일 등을) 상기시켜 주는 편지
This has been a timely reminder to us all.
His words were a pointed reminder of her position.
end with …으로 끝나다
The video ends with a reminder for viewers to stay safe at home.
What should I end with?
snowbank (산허리·계곡의) 눈더미
descend @ dɪˈsend 내려오다, 내려가다 (↔ascend) (아래로) 경사지다, 내리막이 되다 (↔ascend)
n. descent @ dɪˈsent 내려오기, 내려가기, 하강, 강하 (↔ascent)
n. descendant @ dɪˈsendənt 자손, 후손, 후예
The plane began to descend.
The results, ranked in descending order are as follows:
@ descending order (숫자의) 하향 순서 ((큰 수에서 작은 수로의)); (문자의) 역순 ((Z에서 A로의)); [컴퓨터] 내림차순
props 소도구, 연극등 소품
He used skiing equipment for props and household items for sets.
He works on props for this film.
He is responsible for all the stage props and lighting.
make the most of something ~을 최대한 활용하다[즐기다 등]
Instead of agonizing over the change, Herrero made the most of the situation.
It’s my first trip abroad so I’m going to make the most of it.
She doesn’t know how to make the most of herself.
agonize @ ˈæɡənaɪz 고민하다, 고뇌하다
Instead of agonizing over the change, Herrero made the most of the situation.
I spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not.