케이크 : 오늘의 회화/c : 오늘의 회화 2019
2020. 5. 7. 20:06
#. 19.1217
settle ˈsetl (논쟁 등을) 해결하다[끝내다], 합의를 보다 , (마침내) 결정하다[정리하다]
a great deal 다량, 상당량, 많이 / 훨씬 더, 아주 더
@@ Is ~ reasonable?
~ 는 적당해 ?
Is the price reasonable?
Is his argument reasonable?
Is pay for this job reasonable?
@@ Let's confirm it with ~
~ 와 확정 짓자
Let's confirm it with the boss tomorrow.
Let's confirm it with the rest of the team.
Let's confirm it with the wedding planners tomorrow.