Cake : middle/Culips Catch Word

돈을 긁어모으다

미인생 2020. 4. 28. 23:22

#. 돈을 긁어모으다



  • to make bank : (단기간에) 돈을 많이 벌다 : 예를 들어 복권에 당첨되는 경우

Sounds like your phone's ringing.

> I know. It's been ringing off the hook all day. But everybody keeps getting the wrong number.

> They keep asking for some guy named Bill.

That's weird.

> I know, right? If I had a dollar for every time someone's called me asking for Bill, I'd make bank.


  • to rake it in : 돈을 긁어모으다 : 돈을 많이 번다 : 지속적인 수입원이 있을 경우에 주로 사용

A friend of mine made a gaming app and it became so popular that he actually got to quit his job.

> Whoa, really? You can make enough money off selling an app to quit your job?

Are you kidding? He's raking it in. Popular apps these days make millions of dollars a year.

> Wow, I had no idea!

ring off the hook 연속으로[쉴 새 없이] 울리다

rake  reɪk 1.갈퀴   2.(특히 돈 많고 멋도 부리는) 난봉꾼, 한량   3.갈퀴질을 하다, 갈퀴로 모으다