미인생 2020. 4. 20. 16:49

#. Earth Hour


Every March, a special event takes place around the globe.

It is called Earth Hour.

Earth Hour is held at the end of the month.

This year, it was on March 28.

About 180 countries took part in it.

From 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., the world went dark.

For one hour, houses and buildings turned off their electric lights.

Even famous monuments like the Eiffel Tower shut off their lights.

Some people lit candles during Earth Hour.

Most people just sat in the dark.

They thought about how they can save electricity.


@ First Earth Hour

Earth Hour began in Australia in 2007.

Then, it was held internationally in the following year.

At first, 35 nations took part in it.


@ Saving Electricity

Electricity is useful.

But it is often created with fossil fuel.

So, using too much electricity is bad for the environment.


  • light - lit 불을 붙이다[켜다] /  (해전등 등의) 빛, 광선, 빛살 (→first light)

  • in the following year 이듬해에 in the last year 작년에, 지난해에