Cake : high/오늘의 영어뉴스 (고)

Face Masks in High Demand

미인생 2020. 4. 18. 14:18

#. Face Masks in High Demand


As the coronavirus outbreak continues, Koreans are looking to buy face masks to help prevent infection.

Unfortunately, suppliers of the masks have not been able to meet soaring demand.

Stores and drug stores sold out of face masks almost immediately after they were stocked.

Hoping to make a purchase, customers waited in long lines or roamed from store to store.

The situation was no different online.

On March 9, the government began regulating the sale of face masks to make sure that everyone could buy them.

It established a five-day rotation system based on the last digit of a person's birth year.

For example, people whose birth year ended in 1 and 6 were allowed to buy masks on Mondays.

Each person was allotted two face masks per week.

The system received mixed reviews.

Some people said that it became easier to buy masks.

Others argued that there still were not enough masks to go around.

They still had to stand in lines or visit different stores.

In addition, the government banned companies from exporting face masks abroad.

At the same time, it loosened restrictions regarding purchases of masks from overseas.



  • be looking to do something ~할 길을 찾고 [모색하고] 있다

  • soaring sɔ́:riŋ 날아오르는, 원대한, 급상승하는

  • meet demand 수요를 충족시키다 

  • soar sɔː  (가치·물가 등이) 급증[급등]하다 [치솟다] (=rocket) , 날아오르다 [날다]

  • stock stɑːk 재고품[재고] / (판매할 상품을 갖춰 두고) 있다

  • be stocked 입고되다

  • roam roʊm  (이리저리) 돌아다니다, 배회[방랑]하다 (=wander)

  • regulate ˈreɡjuleɪt 규제[통제/단속]하다 regulation ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn 규정, 규제, 통제, 단속

  • established ɪˈstæblɪʃt 인정받는, 저명한, 존경받는

  • establish ɪˈstæblɪʃ 설립[설정]하다 (=set up) , 수립하다 , 확고히 하다

  • digit ˈdɪdʒɪt  (0에서 9까지의 아라비아) 숫자

  • allotted 할당된 allot əˈlɑːt (시간·돈·업무 등을) 할당[배당]하다

  • go around / round (사람들에게 몫이) 돌아가다 , (동그랗게) 돌다, (자주) … 하다 [하고 다니다]

  • loose luːs  (떨어질 것처럼) 헐거워진 [풀린]

  • loosen ˈluːsn 느슨하게[헐겁게] 하다 [되다], 늦추다, 늦춰지다 (=slacken) , 풀다 [늦추다]